24/7 Ambulance Service in Singapore
We have a hygienic, comfortable, and modern fleet of ambulances extensively equipped with the following in each ambulance:

Ambulance features
Barlight, siren & strobe lights
220V AC power supply on board
Digital video recorder for the ambulance cabin as well as the road in front
Real time Global Position System (GPS) and GPS navigator
GPS navigator
Patient Transfer
Wheelchair and stretcher locking devices
Wheelchair Lifts
Wheelchair with drip stand and safety belt
Standard automatic loading stretcher, scoop stretcher, 2-fold stretcher, soft stretcher
Physiologic monitor (ECG, NIBP & SPO2)
Glucometer to determine blood sugar level
Thermometer – tympanic and ThermoFlashTM
Oxygen and Airway devices
Minimum three 10-L aluminium oxygen cylinders, each with an oxygen regulator
Two 2.9-L aluminium oxygen cylinders, each with an oxygen regulator
Oxygen delivery devices
Two self inflating adult and child resuscitation bags
Airway management accessories
Anesthetic grade suction machine (SpencerJetTM)
Standard First Aid Bag with first aid items
Medication Bag with over-the-counter medications
Spinal board, head immobilizer, Kendrick Extrication Device (KED) & cervical collar for immobilization of spinal injury victim
Traction splint, Blue Splint™ (Spencer™) & Fixo Splint™ (Spencer™) for long bone fracture immobilization
Fire blanket and 2 fire distinguishers
One stainless steel all-purpose scissors
Automated External Defibrillator (AED – PhilipsTM HeartStart HS1), for adult & child
External Defibrillator Cardioverter and Cardiac Pacer –Philips MRxTM or ZollTM
Personal protection equipment (gowns, surgical masks & gloves)
Disinfectant for equipment & hands
Disposable urinals and vomit bag
Disposable ambulance stretcher cover and drawsheet
Annual Titanium Dioxide coating for disinfection
Monthly silver ion misting for disinfection
Search and Rescue
One powerful LED PelicanTM torch light
Petzl TM Headlamps for night rescue, one for each ambulance crew